Improving maternal and reproductive health in Kigoma, Tanzania: A 13-year initiative

The Program to Reduce Maternal Deaths in Tanzania was a 13-year (2006–2019) effort in the Kigoma region that evolved over 3 phases to improve and sustain the availability of, access to, and demand for high-quality maternal and reproductive health care services. The Program achieved significant reductions in maternal and perinatal mortality, a significant increase in the modern contraceptive prevalence rate, and a significant decline in the unmet need for contraception. Read the study to learn the program approach and four key lessons learned during implementation that are relevant to governments, donors, and implementing organizations working to reduce maternal mortality


Prassad N, Mwakatundu N, Dominico S, et al. Improving maternal and reproductive health in Kigoma, Tanzania: A 13-year initiative. GHSP. 2022. 10(2)

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