Developing and testing a CRVS costing tool
The CRVS Costing Tool builds on existing tools (VA costing tool) as well as the existing knowledge about the cost of CRVS systems to create a simple, user-friendly and methodologically sound tool. The results presented in this paper provide important evidence on the costs of core operations of CRVS systems and the cost implications of different interventions.
This resource appears in the following collections.
CRVS Best-Practice and Advocacy
CRVS best-practice and advocacy resources are based on a combination of technical knowledge, country experiences and scientific literature. These resources are intended to stimulate debate and ideas for in-country CRVS policy, planning, and capacity building, and promote the adoption of best...
Daniel Cobos Muñoz, Carmen Sant Fruchtman, Sabine Renggli, and Don deSavigny, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel.