Recruiting hard-to-reach populations via respondent driven sampling for mobile phone surveys in Colombia: a qualitative study

Respondent driven sampling (RDS) consists of chain-referral strategies where existing study subjects recruit follow-up participants purposively based on predefined eligibility criteria. Adapting RDS strategies to MPS efforts could, theoretically, yield higher rates of participation for that age group. To investigate factors that influence the perceived acceptability of a RDS recruitment method for MPS involving people over 45 years of age living in Colombia.

This resource appears in the following collections.

Mobile Phone Survey Publications

This series of publications details the scientific studies conducted in order to improve the performance and quality of mobile phone surveys


Solorzano-Barrera C, Rodriguez M, Torres A, et. al. Recruiting hard-to-reach populations via respondent driven sampling for mobile phone surveys in Colombia: a qualitative study. Global Health Action. 2023; (17):2297886

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