Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems aim to register all births and deaths, issue birth and death certificates, and compile and disseminate vital statistics, including cause of death information. D4H partners with governments to strengthen and standardize birth and death records to better inform policymaking and improve public health outcomes.
CRVS country overview: Colombia
CRVS country overview: Bangladesh
CRVS Country Overview
This series of documents describes CRVS systems and work done in partner countries
CRVS Best-Practice and Advocacy
CRVS best-practice and advocacy resources are based on a combination of technical knowledge, country experiences and scientific literature. These resources are intended to stimulate debate and ideas for in-country CRVS policy, planning, and capacity building, and promote the adoption of best...
CRVS systems improvement framework e-learning course
Atlas de Mortalidad: Peru
CRVS Fellowship Reports and Profiles
The Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health (D4H) Initiative’s CRVS Fellowship Program at the University of Melbourne (UoM) provided fellows with an in-depth participatory learning and knowledge sharing opportunity to work with a country on their CRVS initiatives. These reports are written by...
This series of resources provides key information on the SmartVA tool