Proposal for the introduction of automated verbal autopsy in Nepal to generate reliable cause of death data at the sub-national and national levels

Between September to October 2019, Suresh Mehata from the Ministry of Social Development in Biratnagar, Nepal, and Dibakar Sharma from the Ministry of Social Development in Pokhara, Nepal, completed a CRVS Fellowship funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative at the University of Melbourne to develop a proposal for introducing automated verbal autopsy in Nepal. This report outlines the proposed strategy for a pilot rollout of automated VA in Nepal across an 18-month period.

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CRVS Fellowship Reports and Profiles

The Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health (D4H) Initiative’s CRVS Fellowship Program at the University of Melbourne (UoM) provided fellows with an in-depth participatory learning and knowledge sharing opportunity to work with a country on their CRVS initiatives. These reports are written by...

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